Building a Bridge into Community Life
In 2009, individuals with disabilities and their families in LOV Inc. worked together to identify a major barrier to creating fulfilling, community-centered lives. They realized they needed someone to help build a bridge into community life. Based on a desire to be valued members of a community marked by self-direction, independence, and meaningful relationships, the Bridge Builder Project was established.
How Does the Bridge Builder Project Work?
Individuals with disabilities work one-on-one with Bridge Builder Project staff, known as Bridge Builders. Bridge Builders are paid staff who support individuals to identify personal interests, set goals, and make lasting, natural connections in community settings.

Professor Leep and Bridge Builder members Abbey Webster and Phillip Temme attend an improv session.
Bridge Builder Project
in the News
Read all about LOV Inc.’s Bridge Builder Project. Originally offered in Dane County, the program has expanded to Milwaukee. Together with Bridge Builder staff, members work to pursue their interests and engage in community life.
“Before Bridge Builder, it was harder for me to find groups because it can be overwhelming being a new person and everything. And the way Zach attended the groups made me feel more comfortable because no one else in the group had to know we were together, but I knew he was there for me,” says Phillip Temme.
What Do Bridge Builder Project Members Do?
Individuals with disabilities, known as Bridge Builder Project members, determine their interests and work with Bridge Builder staff to develop a customized plan, taking into account any barriers or logistical challenges.
Bridge Builder members have engaged in a variety of activities based on their personal interests and goals. Some examples include:
- Becoming a member of a gym
- Training and support around scheduling and using paratransit and ride-share services
- Attending a place of worship
- Joining a golf league
- Taking classes for self-improvement or skill building
- Volunteering with an organization
- Connecting with a community member for friendship and recreation
- Joining an improv troupe
Once the member has grown comfortable in the setting and forged relationships with the community connection, the Bridge Builder fades support.
Bridge Builder for Youth
The Bridge Builder Project is a unique way of receiving support. Since we began the original Bridge Builder Project in 2009, we have seen some truly amazing successes for adult project members. We are expanding, and the Bridge Builder Project is now designed also to support young adults in upper high school and community transition programs to prepare for the transition to adulthood. Bridge Builder Project staff will:
- Support youth to discover and build authentic relationships with peers with and without disabilities
- Facilitate youth developing skills and confidence to navigate their community independently from their family with appropriate support and scaffolding from staff
- Engage youth in extracurricular activities that will enable them to discover interests and passions
- Travel alongside youth and families as they prepare for and navigate through the transition from high school to adulthood
Bridge Builder Project Groups
Bridge Builder Project members can elect to participate in several groups based on their interests.
- Interest Groups: Members submit topic and activity suggestions for development into limited-time interest groups supported by Bridge Builder staff. Interest groups might include cooking, art, travel, meditation, dance sampler, photography, improv, and more.
- Monthly Groups: Ongoing monthly groups include Board Game Night, Coloring & Cocoa, Dungeons & Dragons, and Music Appreciation.
- Peer Support Groups: Members who enjoy participating in discussion-based group settings are invited to join an on-going, monthly Peer Support Group—supported by Bridge Builder staff—where they have the opportunity to lead discussions on topics of their choosing.
Bridge Builder Project Costs
Participation in the Bridge Builder Project can be funded through IRIS, Family Care, or CLTS funds, or through private pay. The Bridge Builder Project hast two rates:
- Individual, One-on-One Support: $63/hour
- Group Support: $29/hour
Learn more about becoming a Bridge Builder Project member
If you are interested in learning more about the Bridge Builder Project, read this document for more information.
Questions? Contact Haley ( to discuss joining in the Madison area or Zach ( to discuss joining in the greater Milwaukee area.
Interested in participating? Fill out the interest form. After submitting, a team member from LOV Inc. will reach out to you