Videos, Handouts, and Tools

Informational Videos

Click on any title below to see the video and handouts for the event.

FC/IRIS Transition: Talking to ADRC, MCOs and ICAs

Overview and Handouts At this event, families were given time to complete the linked worksheets, to help explain and describe your loved one’s support needs in more detail. If your loved one currently lives at home with you, but would like to begin planning for moving out: Small group handout – Moving OUT If your loved...

FC/IRIS Transition: How Can I Choose?

Handouts: FC IRIS April 17 2017 Slides FC&IRIS- Side by Side Comparison List of FC & IRIS services FC IRIS Q+A 4.17.17 Individual Service Plans-Individual Outcomes...

FC/IRIS Transition: Will I Keep My Supports?

Handouts: Lynn Breedlove Presession Feb 2017 FC IRIS Feb 20 2017 LOV Slides Functional Screens, etc Feb 2017 Family Care Parent Presentation Feb 2017  ...

FC/IRIS Transition: The Dane County Difference

With around 300 attendees at our event on January 31, 2017, we ran out of handouts pretty quickly. RSVPing for events is the best way to help us make sure we’ve got enough handouts and chairs for everyone attending. We want to make sure we’re able to provide space and materials for everyone who is...

FC/IRIS Transition: What happens to my broker?

  Handouts Powerpoint Slides: Dane Transistion – Brief Overview 11-26-16 Outcome Handout: Outcomes-Kids Fact-Sheet-updated-2016 Links Family Care and IRIS Outcomes: IRIS Participant Handbook:

Informational Handouts

DHS Family Care Page


DHS Dane County Transition

IRIS Manual Definitions

IRIS FAQ 10-2 and 10-4

Enrollment Counseling Graphic – PDF

Enrollment Updates 7-23-17

FC IRIS Side-by-Side Chart – DHS

List of FC & IRIS services

Family Care/IRIS Transition Terms and Glossary

FAQ 7-14-17

FC IRIS Q&A 4-17-17

Learning Circle Links and Contact Info

Planning Tools

Quick Reference: Transportation Provider Options

Planning Transportation in a New Long-term Care Program

Transportation Planner Form

Making Your Case For Community Integration

Making Your Case For Supported Employment

Making Your Case For Continuing Supported Living

Making Your Case For Moving Out

Support Checklist

Individual Service Plans – Individual Outcomes

Quick Guide to Including WIN Services in your IRIS Plan/Budget

One Page Profile – Sample

One Page Profile – Sample 2

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